The Bible Exposition Commentary

Bible Exposition Commentary Set (Volumes 1 & 2)
Published: 7/7/1989
Page Count: 2
ISBN: 0896936597
All the New Testament "BE" books compiled in a handy, two-volume set. Study Matthew through Revelation in digestible sections that emphasize personal application and biblical content.

You might be wondering why a commentary is in a book review. Because you should read this set of books as though it is a book. It can be used as a commentary but it really is set as a reading book. It is very enjoyable to just read through his thoughts on the whole New Testament. Definitely a good read for someone around a year or two old in Christ. Good general foundational layout of the whole Bible. Nothing real deep but a lot of info.

It’s doesn’t look the same as my books, but mine are from the early 90’s


for e-sword and some other computer Bible programs